Professional stepladders

Altrex professional stepladders of all types and sizes: platform stepladders, industrial stepladders and warehouse stepladders. The professional stepladders with top characteristics. Suitable for intensive use, user-friendly and – in addition – very sturdy. Especially developed for the professional who demands more. Find your professional stepladders now online.

Buy Professional Ladders

Buying Altrex professional stepladders? Then you're surely ready for any job no matter how intensive it is. Altrex professional stepladders are sturdy, stable and strong and made for real heavy-duty work. You unfold the professional stepladder, put them in the spread-protection position, and you can start working immediately… it’s that easy. It makes no difference whether you have single-sided or a double-sided stepladder. Altrex stepladders for professional use always comply with the Dutch Commodities Act, NEN2484 and EN-131

Compare the various stepladders?

Buying an aluminium stepladder is not a decision you make lightly; we know that better than anyone else. Still not sure whether you have selected the right stepladder? Compare our stepladders.